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Program Evaluation

A well-designed program evaluation can help answer questions about your program’s implementation and impact.   


At Feedback Loop, we create custom evaluation plans for each client, based upon your questions and needs.  


Tools we use include: 

  • Logic models and theories of action  

  • Interviews, focus groups, and surveys 

  • Observations of classrooms, meetings, or other program efforts 

  • Analysis of quantitative data (such as student achievement, behavior, or socio-emotional development) 

The data that we collect using these tools are integrated to tell a story about your program in ways that help you make informed decisions and share successes.


We believe in presenting findings in readable formats. Think graphics, clearly written text, shareable slides, and one-page summaries. This is where the “feedback” in our name comes from – we want you to be able to use your findings to support and sustain the work you are doing.  


Our simplest goal is that your evaluation products are meaningful and useful. Nobody needs "just another report for the shelf"! 

Capacity Development and Training

Are you interested in developing your own staff's ability to collect and analyze data?


Do you need guidance in how to apply the latest research findings to your program?


Or maybe you're wondering if you're looking at the right kind of data?


We can help.   

We provide capacity development to program staff, leadership, and other evaluators such as: 

  • Guidance in applying research findings to your work 

  • Feedback on evaluation design 

  • Feedback on and suggestions about data collection instruments 

  • Training in data collection, storage and analysis 

> Let's work together

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