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Elizabeth Autio, Principal and Owner 

Feedback Loop, LLC was founded by Elizabeth Autio, MPA. With two decades of experience in program evaluation, her mission is to help transform the lives of children and youth by providing useful analysis and data supports to educators and non-profit leaders.  Ms. Autio has worked with clients at all levels of the pre K-12 system, including state departments of education, as well as several districts, foundations, universities, and non-profit organizations. She holds a masters’ degree from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and has published in the areas of English learners, literacy coaching, randomized controlled trials, and rural education. In addition to her professional pursuits, Ms. Autio is a long-term mentor through Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Chair of the Parent Advisory Committee at her children's school.

Current and Recent Clients 


  • Architecture Foundation of Oregon, Architects in Schools 

  • BRAVO Youth Orchestras 

  • Bridging Wisdom: A Mutual Mentoring Program 

  • The Chalkboard Project (under the direction of Informed Decisions Research) 

  • Education Northwest 

  • Malheur Education Services District

  • Northwest Regional Educational Service District 

  • Oregon Education Association

  • Portland Association of Teachers

  • Portland State University, Maseeh College of Engineering and Science 


> Let's work together

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